Bone Daddies Soho

Bone Daddies Soho hero image

Bone Daddies Soho is the original Ramen shop and the Daddie of them all!

The Results


Google result for search term ‘bone daddies’, out of 413K


Average page views per month


Website visitors from search engines

The Experience

Bone Daddies Soho.
Bone Daddies Soho image gallery
Image gallery of mouth-watering food and drinks.
Bone Daddies Soho newsletter sign-up
Sign-up to the newsletter - directly integrating with Campaign Monitor.
Bone Daddies Soho drinks
A complete list of food and drinks menu items.
Bone Daddies Soho location map
Pin-point the restaurants location with Google Maps.

Project Concept

Developed in collaboration with Bone Daddies’ branding agency, the Bone Daddies Soho website provides the visitor with a grungy rock ‘n’ roll feel that extends the brand image into a web presence.

Visitors are treated with full-screen images of spectacular mouth-watering dishes, as well as a comprehensive gallery of food and drink menu items.

With a carefully considered user interface, visitors are able to efficiently:

  • delve into the image gallery of inspiring food and drinks
  • access a complete list of food and drinks menu items
  • reserve a table – seamless user experience integration with OpenTable
  • pin-point the restaurants location with Google Maps
  • submit an enquiry from the website directly to the restaurant team
  • sign-up to the newsletter – directly integrating with Campaign Monitor
  • access the latest special offers
  • view the most recent activities taking place on the Bone Daddies Twitter feed

All of these ingredients are seamlessly blended together with a user-friendly content management system (CMS), allowing the Bone Daddies PR and marketing team to quickly and easily make content updates.

Our Insight

Bone Daddies Soho is not your average noodle joint. Instead, you'll find noodle dishes with gutsy flavours, served with the backdrop of rock 'n' roll music and walls covered in images of quiffed and tattooed Japanese rockabillies.